21 research outputs found

    Skema Pengalamatan Ip Address Pada Desain Jaringan Komputer Local Area Network (Lan) Menggunakan Metode Subnetting

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    The use of IP address without a good planning can give rise to traffic which is hard to monitor that can decrease the network performance, problems in network management, and wasteful use of IP address.  The sub-netting concept is used in order to manage computer network designs so that network performance can be optimized. This study is conducted to apply the sub-netting concept in Local Area Network (LAN) designs. There are 440 computers distributed in some spots. The computers use IP address of C class with IP in which each  network was divided into 4 sub networks that made each sub network covers 62 hosts with sub-net-mask 11111111.11111111.11111111.11000000 or with CIDR /26.Keywords : IP address, Sub netting, Network, Design

    Penelitian Pendahuluan tentang Pengukuran Performance dan Load Testing pada Learning Management System (LMS)

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    This preliminary study aims to measure the performance of the Moodle-based online learning system for Learning Management System (LMS) of Lampung State Polytechnic. This is done by conducting performance and load testing on LMS to gain a deeper understanding of the server performance in handling high user loads. The measurements were carried out using Apache JMeter with predefined scenarios provided by Moodle. The test results showed that most of the services were accessible well and fast, but there were some services that experience increased response time as the number of users increases.Penelitian pendahuluan ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja server sistem pembelajaran daring berbasis Moodle pada Learning Management System (LMS) Politeknik Negeri Lampung. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengukur pengujian performa dan beban pada LMS guna mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang kinerja server dalam menghadapi beban pengguna yang tinggi. Pengukuran dilakukan degan menggunakan Apache JMeter dengan skenario yang telah disediakan oleh Moodle. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar layanan dapat diakses dengan baik, namun ada beberapa layanan yang mengalami peningkatan response time seiring  dengan meningkatnya jumlah pengguna

    Desain Aplikasi Business To Consumer untuk UKM Berbasis Cloud Computing

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    The importance of the role of Small and Medium Enterprises for Indonesia's economic growth give rise to the need of a business to consumer applications design that can run on cloud-based information technology infrastructure. The purpose of this research is to create an application design of business to consumer (b2c) of the SMEs to market their products which can be run on the Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) cloud-based computing. The method used in this study is a system development life cycle (SDLC).Keywords: cloud, business, SME, SDL

    Efektivitas Instrusion Detection System Pada Proxy Server XYZ dalam Mencegah Scanning Port oleh Hacker

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    Due to its crucial role, a proxy server needs to be well maintained to ensure its appropriate functions. One of the causes of failure access in proxy server is data manipulation done by irresponsible users that work by scanning, gaining access, maintaining access and covering track. The scanning process appears as an important step as it exposes the types of applications and services utilized in the server. The step is to manipulate four vulnerable points of proxy server related to the operating system, applications, program modules and configurations. In order to prevent the scanning process, it is important to utilize a mechanism which is able to detect and report any indications of intruding access in the proxy server aka intrusion detection system. This research is aimed at producing an application operated in the proxy server to report any indication of access intrusion. The research uses System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method by applying analyzing, designing, implementing and assessing.Key words: proxy, server, ids, scannin

    Rancang Bangun Back-End Aplikasi Bank Sampah Trash-Mate Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking

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    Trash-Mate is a Waste Bank application that can be a medium of information and facilitate the Waste Bank Customer transaction process more practically and effectively, to help the community in conducting waste management transactions at the Waste Bank remotely through the android application. The features in the Back-End Design for the Android-Based Trash-Mate Waste Bank Application are login, Customer Data, Admin Data, Trash Data, Trash Pickup, Balance Withdrawal, and Log-Out. Basically, a waste bank is a program where waste will be collected and sorted, then the waste will be exchanged for money. The remaining waste will be weighed and valued at a certain amount, then sold to factories that have partnered with waste banks.Trash-Mate adalah aplikasi Bank Sampah yang dapat menjadi media informasi serta memudahkan proses transaksi nasabah Bank Sampah secara lebih praktis dan efektif, untuk membantu masyarakat dalam melakukan transaksi pengelolaan sampah pada Bank Sampah dari jarak jauh melalui aplikasi android. Adapun fitur-fitur dalam Rancangan Back-End untuk Aplikasi Bank Sampah Trash-Mate Berbasis Android yaitu login, Data Pelanggan, Data Admin, Data Sampah, Jemput Sampah, Tarik Saldo, dan Log-Out. Pada dasarnya, bank sampah adalah sebuah program dimana sampah akan dikumpulkan dan dipilah, lalu sampah tersebut akan ditukarkan menjadi uang. Sampah yang tersisa akan ditimbang dan dinilai dengan jumlah tertentu, lalu dijual ke pabrik yang telah bermitra dengan sampah bank

    Desain Model Layanan Infrastruktur Berbasis Private Cloud Computing untuk Usaha Kecil Menengah

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    The importance of the role of Small and Medium Enterprises for Indonesian economic growth appears to create a design cloud-based information technology infrastructure. The purpose of this research is the creation of an infrastructure design that can be used by small and medium enterprises to market their products through cloud computing services. The method used in this study is the system development life cycle(SDLC).Key words: cloud, technology, information, Small and Medium scale Enterprise

    Aplikasi Pelaporan dan Monitoring Data Limbah B3 Pada Tempat Penyimpanan Sementara Berbasis Web di PT. PLN (Persero) Sektor Pengendalian Pembangkitan Bandar Lampung

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    Abstrack - PT. PLN (Persero) Sektor Pengendalian Pembangkitan Bandar Lampung has powerhouse unit that produces B3 waste (hazardous and toxic substance). This company has a job to keep the environment from production impact that was produced by managing B3 waste that was created by every single powerhouse unit. K3L sector office staff and LK2 powerhouse unit staff face difficulties in doing the data reporting process and monitoring of B3 waste that is done by directly visiting sector office and powerhouse unit due to the distance that should be taken is quire far and takes a long time. The purpose of this final project is to create a web-based B3 waste data reporting and monitoring application to ease the reporting process and monitoring B3 waste data. The method that is used in this final project is Rapid Application Development (RAD) with the stages of requirement planning, user design, construction and cutover. Keywords - application, B3 waste, monitoring, reporting

    Model Deteksi Dini Penyebaran Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman dengan Sistem SMS GATEWAY pada Kelompok Tani

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    Pest is an obstacle to world agriculture, spread can occur very quickly if too late to be controlled. The government has provided extension field as a builder of farmers in crop management field, pest management to monitor the progress of growth and yield of agricultural cultivation. The limited amount of extension is not proportional to the area of cultivation so that in case of pests likely to be too late to get information and also late in handling. Agricultural information system that is easily used by farmers to inform the incidence of pests and diseases.Through early detection system based on SMS Gateway can inform farmers pest attack by sending an SMS to the system, then the system automatically forward the information to the extension to be reviewed shortly. Besides instant information delivered agricultural office to get a recording of data spread of agricultural pests, so that the future can be taken preventive measures against the spread of plant pests. Keyword : Early detection, intruder plant organisms, information systems, SMS Gatewa

    Desain Sistem Layanan Harga Hasil Pertanian Dan Kehutanan Berbasis SMS Dengan Menggunakan Metode Autoresponse

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    Mushrooming SMS-based application has evoked an idea to create an information service on prices of agricultural and forestry products which is accessible through SMS. The objective of this research is to create a design of the SMS-based service system on prices of agricultural and forestry products. The design was made in order that the users can obtain the information quickly, easily, anytime, and anywhere. The method administered in this research was SDLC (System Design Live cycle). The Experiments were conducted by using Simpati, Mentari, ProXL, As, and IM3 as gateway SMS cards. Through these experiments, the system which is capable of sending price information quickly, easily, anytime, and anywhere with 0%sending failure was invented.    Keywords : Design, SMS, System

    IT Service Management System Measurement using ISO20000-1 and ISO15504-8: Developing a Solution-Mediated Process Assessment Tool to Enable Transparent and SMS Process Assessment

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    Information technology is about not only hardware, software, communication infrastructure and communication infrastructure but also how to manage services. Information technology plays an increasingly important role in developing the structure and functions of public and private sectors. Service measurement plays an important role in IT service management (ITSM) that is one of the subfields of Services Computing science. ITSM is a big part of service science, a science field that combines computer science, operation research engineering, business strategy, management science, and organizational theory. Performance measurement from each of IT services is absolutely needed and is important in the continuous development of ITSM. These research provide good technical knowledge about the measuring ITSM with some requirements. In this paper we suggest the metrics in each service processes enables organizations to predict a direction for active process enhancement and to identify if the goal of process can achieve. This objective process metrics based on ISO/IEC 15504-8 and PRM ISO/IEC 20000-4 refinement. The output of this research, in the form of metrics and tools for any type organizational use